Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bahamian Rhapsody

I took the smallest plane ever to the Bahamas. Seriously, there were 12 people on it. I could see the pilot and everything. There wasn't even a tray. Then I went through customs really easily. They were like "purpose for visit?" and I said "Semester at Sea" and they were like "move along."

Then I took a taxi to the hotel and met up with Isaiah and his family. And now I'm here.

I'm excited now, really, I am. I promise. Isaiah's parents took a tour of the ship and told us all about it. I refuse to look at the pictures that Isaiah's mom took because I want to be surprised. They only had good things to say, and now I'm really looking forward to it. Might not sleep tonight, that's how excited I am.

The gambling age in the Bahamas is 18, but only for tourists. Bahaminas get in trouble with the law and get a fine if they get caught gambling.

Now its time to watch Isaiah lose his money.

1 comment:

  1. I typed up a whole thing about how I knew who John Locke was in the other post, but then deleted it cuz I sounded like a tool. But I indeed do know who John Locke is.

    I laughed at Bahamian Rhapsody. How long does it take you to come up with every one of these little title puns?
