Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm all ready, already.

Everything is laid out and ready to go. My two suitcases and my backpack, and a litter of clothing, and art supplies. I bought a lot of art supplies. I bought over 90 dollars worth of art supplies. This better be a good class. I think it will be. It will be cool to take home all the art that I drew while I was around the world.

Last night I had a bunch of dreams about the ship. They didn't really make much sense, but at least I'm thinking about it now, albeit subconsciously. That's right, I used albeit.

There isn't too much left for me to do. I need to buy one more art supply, one they had to special order. I need to get my Epi-pen from the pharmacy. I need to buy body wash. And that's about it.

I also bought a camera. I'm really happy with it, so now I can document my journey with words and with pictures.

My flight leaves at 9 30, or twenty one and a half o clock. Then its off to Florida to visit relatives. And then Sunday night I'm meeting up with Isaiah in the Bahamas
before boarding on Monday.

What I can't believe is how the last month plus a little more has gone by so fast. I did some writing, I did some reading, watched some TV, slept a lot, snowboarding, and saw friends. But it went by so fast. It's hard to believe I'm leaving already. But I am, I believe it, and I accept it as truth.

I'm not nervous, I'm not worried, and I'm not overly excited. I'm just ready.

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